Thursday, October 17, 2019

One Week Program on Openness, MOOC and Moodlecloud

Subject: ICT for Education

Topic/ Title: Openness, MOOC and Moodlecloud

Course Outline:
·         Concept of Open
·         MOOC
·         Moodlecloud

Learning Objectives:
Learners will develop the concept of open and differentiate it from copyrighted / proprietary, paid and free resource.
Learners will synthesize the concept of MOOC.
Learners will develop the capacity to judge whether Moodlecloud is a MOOC platform.

Learning Outcomes:
Learners will explain the concept of open and differentiate it from copyrighted / proprietary, paid and free resource.
Learners will draw the flowchart for the concept of MOOC beginning from its attributes.
Learners will critically evaluate whether Moodlecloud is a MOOC platform.

Academic Note:
In this era of massive use of ICT in the field of education, there is a dire need of learning first about the concept of Openness, MOOC and Moodlecloud. The current course focuses upon concept of open, MOOC and Moodlecloud with respect to its basic understanding and basic application for selection. The current course uses video sources, e-content sources in the form of PPTs and assessment exercise for each sub-heads of the course content outline.

Introductory Video:

1.      Video on Open (
3.      Assessment on Open
Q. 1 The concept of Open and Free are one and the same. This statement is:
(a) True                 (b) False                      (c) Partially true             (d) Partially false
Q. 2 If a software asks for some money for its use, it is:
(a) Open               (b) Closed                   (c) Paid                             (d) Free
Q. 3 The concept of Open given by the UNESCO for Open educational practices is same as the concept of Open in the term Open University:
(a) True                 (b) False                      (c) Partially true             (d) Partially false

4.      Video on MOOC (
6.      Assessment on MOOC
Q. 4 If M is removed from the MOOC, it is restricted with respect to:
(a) Number of users     (b) Amount to be paid        (c) Sources to be shared      (d) Instructors
Q. 5 If a software/platform starts asking for some money for its massive use, will it still be a MOOC platform?
(a) Yes                   (b) No                         (c) May be                       (d) Partially No

7.      Video on Moodlecloud (
9.      Assessment on Moodlecloud
Q. 6 If a user uploads his/her document on Google-drive and shares its link through Moodlecloud, who will have the copyright of this document?
(a) User               (b) Google                   (c) Moodlecloud          (d) Internet-service provider
Q. 7 If a person is sharing Moodlecloud by saying that it is a MOOC platform, the more chances are there that she/he might be involved in a:
(a) Open practice    (b) Publicity agency   (c) Paid Project             (d) Open movement

If Moodlecloud is not free for the number of users above 50 and above 200 mb online space, then why a group of certain people are promoting it?
Please discuss through wikispaces platform.

A Reading on Googling the Group:

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